Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hambury, Henry de

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952717Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 24 — Hambury, Henry de1890John Andrew Hamilton

HAMBURY, HENRY de (fl. 1330), judge, was a son of Geoffrey de Hambury of Hambury or Hanbury in Worcestershire. Early in life he became an adherent of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, but received a pardon with consent of parliament at York for all felonies in that regard on 1 Nov. 1318. In 1324 he was appointed a justice of the common pleas in Ireland. He was promoted in the following year to be a judge of the Irish court of king's bench, and almost immediately afterwards to be chief justice; but in 1326 Richard de Willoughby was appointed chief justice, and Hambury returned to the common pleas. In 1327 he appears to have been chief justice of that court, when he was transferred to England, and in 1328 became a judge of the English king's bench (Cal. Rot. Pat. 94 b, 95 b, 96, 97, 99 b; the Irish Close Rolls, i. 34, 35, speak of him as chief justice of the Irish king's bench in 1327). He also was appointed to hold pleas of forest in Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, Dorsetshire, Wiltshire, and South Hampshire. He seems to have retired before 1338, as the 'Liberate Roll' does not mention him as a judge in that year, but he was still alive in 1352, when he is named in the herald's visitation of Worcestershire, in which county he had become possessed of the abbey of Bordesley in 1324. He founded a chantry at Hambury in 1346.

[Foss's Judges of England; Parl. Writs, vol. ii. pt. ii. pp. 130, 205; Abbr. Rot. Orig. i. 281, ii. 24.]